opps.. too long nv blog~.~ just too lazy to do so.. thou many times i got stuff to blog.. wahhahass.. boring day.. gotta start school soon.. next tuesday ice skating and movie!! wed chalet not going cause i alone~.~ so sad thou.. all so unsociable like me~.~ tmr go gym~.~ 29th april go hotel!! dbsk… wahahahsss!! so excited!! gotta go revise now!! so late le.. haixx… my selection dont know how.. hope i fails hope i pass.. idk also.. confused~.~
saw my memories~.~
my heart is still beating like mad..
what to do?! haixx..
totally into 장근석 now~.~
hated his hairstyle from the start..
but totally loved it now~.~ woots!!
my holiday is gone again~.~
see you next time~.~
hope my grades dont drop too much~.~
should be coming out already~.~
now that i think back.. i feel so regretful..
why did i even do it~.~
i will remorse for the rest of my life..
i hate myself..
i wonder why i cant put it down..
all conclusion i can get from this is sorrow and scars..
all bad.. my bad.. haixx..
“forget all forget all” *chants**chants**chants*
shld start studying my jap before i forgets them all during the holiday…
hope i can concentrate =) =)
my sis mentioned that name.. and i got shocked..
but actually she doesnt mean that person~.~
hahass.. it’s a relieve..
foolish thoughts, messy thoughts,
going thru my stupid brain.
giving me the headaches,
pulling my heart and brain apart.
shall not think, shall not dream,
a day is a day, a month is a month,
shall not live in miseries.
my dad’s last time worker come back singapore den find my dad.. =D 10 years ago work for my dad before de.. hahass.. den he say last time his(my dad) child small small de.. den my dad say i here.. hahhasss.. so funny~.~ i think this kind of worker good.. know how to come back to look for last time work for de boss to chat abit =D but i think asking for job also.. hahass.. but not bad la =D
yesterday is a bad day..
my water bottle never cover properly den my whole bag wet when am on my way to school.. worst is my notes and books are wet.. i hate wet papers.. today want study den my note book so wet no mood siaa~.~ so i go get from my mum a new de =D maybe i shld give it to another person who doesnt mind =D
on my way home yesterday.. on the bus.. i saw a very stupid fly.. stuck in the bus.. super stupid de.. it was at the door there flying and banging the door wanting to fly out.. but cant.. even when the door opens big big.. it doesnt know how to fly out.. banging and banging the clear part of the door cause can see outside the bus.. den second time the door opens, it fly to the opposite side of the door.. which is the clear window.. banging the window.. den i keep seeing it bang and bang.. so stupid right.. –. –
today my mum was like asking my dad about the bills asking for money to pay~.~ but my dad dunno say what she went into her office(room) den i go ask about my bills also.. cause i was counting on how much shld my mum pay.. for clothes i make her pay.. others i will pay myself. but no matter how i count, my mum paid 10 bucks more than she shld.. then the other ~300 is mine to pay.. but i want negotiate =D and to pay half half =D so i went to my dad.. said “i pay..” he straight away take out his credit card.. say pay for me.. hahasss.. den my mum was like “see your dad so good.. i ask also dont have… i come first lea.. why you get to pay first” *joking tone*.. den dad started his long “lecture”.. den i propose to help them in organising the payment of home bills.. for phone only~ my dad says no.. must for all.. den he will increase my school money for 20bucks.. i argued 50bucks.. dont want jiu shua.. hahasss.. he dont want wor.. hahahsss.. say ask my sis do.. but in the end we still talk until i have to do all.. i think kinda fun.. already made out the table.. march will start to do the bills.. after my exams.. if got extra money from the bills.. i will ask for increase of allowance =D *E-V-I-L* =D
study like nv study.. why?! cause no tips!! no proper tips.. so much to study.. plus no mood.. ~.~
YOYO!! long time no blog!!
is it no time or lazy…
wahahahhasss… both!!
kind of just finish my project ytd and wanna rest abit for today..
study abit tmr and test the next day..
after that 3more days to send test and that..
3more days to last test and..
total holiday for me!!
i hope so..
please no wss..