morning went to school to take cert that we graduate from school... principle speak lots bout the click five incident... after that went to jessie house to rest and change while step went to her ah ma's house to change...den we all came to my house to put my things while huiyu went to take money from her aunt.... after that went to sentosa to PLAY!!!! we have a great day!!!
the times when we take the Luge going up was dunno what but it was damn scarey!!!
coming down was super fun... chop from the workers...

building of sand castle was a failure... went to rest and TEA TIME!!!
funny step...
huiyu's tired face and step's hyper face
like real tired!!

time to go for a walk before our concert
saw monkeys on our way
and peacock
fish and stingray on the other side of pond
on our way to see merlion
funny facial expressions
our merlion
evil witch

from a chicken's house?
searching our way back before concert starts

tired me
having fun still
me trying real hard to imitate the fox?

still lost

found this... at the image of sentosa
took fun photos

trying to take photo's but lighting was real bad
getting real dark going for concert soon
lost but took staff's way and got out...
reach our final destination..songs of the sea
got some fire works but not uploaded yet... feeling tired for now...
7:21 PM